Does your company focus on business to business (B2B) or business to customer (B2C) transactions?
Do you know the types of people or companies you should be laser focused on?
An important part of your vision is defining your target market and getting everyone to convey the same message to all of your potential clients or customers.
Contact SteeleBC today for a FREE 90 Minute Meeting to learn more about the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). We will team you up with an EOS Implementer™ who will guide you through the EOS Process™ and help you strengthen the Six Key Components™ of your business.
During Vision Building™, we will work to strengthen the Vision Component™ of the EOS Model™ for your organization. When we ask the question, “What is your Marketing Strategy?”, we are working on the fourth question of the 8 questions on your Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) , one of our EOS Foundational Tools™.
Your Marketing Strategy is simply designed to get you all on the same page with who you should talk to and what you should say to get the biggest return on your investment in precious sales and marketing energy. There are four parts to the Marketing Strategy.
The first part is the Target Market. Here, we are just getting you all to agree on the ideal prospect. We determine the demographic, geographic and psychographic profile of the kinds of people or companies you should be laser focused on proactively selling and marketing to. Once that’s clear, the rest of the marketing strategy is simply your message to those ideal prospects.
When we work to strengthen the Process Component™ of the EOS Model™ for your organization, we get your marketing and sales process documented and followed by all. This means you will all agree on how you generate leads and how you capitalize on those leads and close business.
To the extent that you can get your Core Processes™ done the right and best way every time, you’re going to create consistency and scalability in your organization.
At your next Organizational Checkup™, you will say…
Yes! Our target market is clear and our sales and marketing efforts focused on it.