

We Have A Budget

Is the budget for your company defined and shared with your people? Is it being monitored, so you know when something is off track? Does your team understand how their decisions impact your budget? Unfortunately the way some organizations approach business, it would indicate that they are flying blind and the left hand is completely […]

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Everyone Is In Meetings

How effective are your meetings…your internal meetings with just your team or your employees? Is everyone engaged during the meeting? Does it have a specific agenda to provide direction or focus? Meetings without a clear purpose or direction often disengage people and waste excessive time. Discussing topics aimlessly and diverting on multiple tangents often occurs

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Everyone Has Rocks

Is everyone in your organization focused and gaining traction toward your Vision? Are you all rowing in the same direction, trying to achieve the same goals? To the extent that you can get everybody in your organization focused on one Vision, rowing in one direction…planets will line up in the universe in ways we can’t

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