
Organizational Checkup™

We Have A Budget

Is the budget for your company defined and shared with your people? Is it being monitored, so you know when something is off track? Does your team understand how their decisions impact your budget? Unfortunately the way some organizations approach business, it would indicate that they are flying blind and the left hand is completely […]

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Everyone Has A Number

What kind of organizational accountability exists in your company? Does everyone understand the big picture? Do they know how important they are and how they contribute to the end goal? In the article A Scorecard Is In Place, we discussed the importance of running your business on facts, figures and objective information. We also mentioned

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A Scorecard Is In Place

Does your business translate its vision into activity-based targets to align weekly activities with long-term goals? Do you know what is important to your organization and are you measuring and monitoring efforts accordingly? “What gets measured gets done.” This is a timeless quote that has been attributed to some the greatest minds in business. By

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Customer And Employee Feedback

Do you know what your customers and employees think about your organization? Are they your #1 brand advocate? Do you have loyal customers and engaged employees? You should know the answers to these questions and more. There should be a process in place for collecting and sharing this information to maintain a pulse on the

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Our Systems And Processes Are Defined

Has everyone in your organization that touches each of your processes been properly trained? Do they know the right way of doing things? Are they being measured and managed to do it the right way every single time? Every business has a handful of truly Core Processes™…things that make the business truly run. To the extent

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All Teams Solve Issues

Is everyone in your organization involved in solving your issues? Are you constantly putting out daily fires or do you take the time to dig down and identify the true root cause of the problem? We take a long term approach to solving issues. You cannot achieve success if you are not great at setting

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All Meetings Are Consistent

How often do meetings occur at your company? Every day? Weekly? Monthly? Whenever? Do you know what to expect or how long the meeting will last? Do you know how to prepare and what you should focus on to make it most effective? Clear, effective communication is critical in business. Understanding the status of projects

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Everyone Is In Meetings

How effective are your meetings…your internal meetings with just your team or your employees? Is everyone engaged during the meeting? Does it have a specific agenda to provide direction or focus? Meetings without a clear purpose or direction often disengage people and waste excessive time. Discussing topics aimlessly and diverting on multiple tangents often occurs

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Everyone Has Rocks

Is everyone in your organization focused and gaining traction toward your Vision? Are you all rowing in the same direction, trying to achieve the same goals? To the extent that you can get everybody in your organization focused on one Vision, rowing in one direction…planets will line up in the universe in ways we can’t

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Our Leadership Team Has High Trust

Are your owners and leaders growth-oriented and open-minded? Are they willing to be open and honest and vulnerable with themselves AND the people around them? Are they more afraid of the status quo than they are of change? Or vice versa? Contact SteeleBC today for a FREE 90 Minute Meeting to learn more about the

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