
Organizational Checkup™

Everyone In The Right Seat

Have you ever witnessed a company that has placed someone who is PHENOMENAL at sales in a sales management position and then their performance went downhill fast? Or a company who takes an engineer who has the ability to effortlessly navigate the most complex of system configurations and promotes that person to manage their group…then […]

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Our Accountability Chart Is Clear

Do you know clearly WHO is accountable for WHAT in your organization? When the structure changes in your organization is it clearly communicated to everyone in a timely manner? Contact SteeleBC today for a FREE 90 Minute Meeting to learn more about the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). We will team you up with an EOS Implementer™

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All Are The Right People

Is your organization packed full of A-players and superstars? How do you define and attract that top quartile group? Very simply, you cannot achieve a great vision WITHOUT great people. And the truth is, every organization defines “great people” differently. When we spend a little time on the tools and disciplines, we’re going to cut through

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We Have A Proven Process

Does everyone in your organization understand and implement the same process when interacting with potential and existing customers or clients…from marketing and sales through operations and beyond to ensure your customer is happy long-term? Is it a complete, proven process that has been honed and shaped to the point of perfection? Once your organization has

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Our Differentiators Are Clear

Are you better than your competitor? Why? How? Does your competitor convey the same message? When I ask the question, “what makes you better than your competitors?” I often receive the answer, “our customer service.” If everyone says that their customer service makes them better than their competitor, then what EXACTLY is it about their

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Our Target Market Is Clear

Does your company focus on business to business (B2B) or business to customer (B2C) transactions? Do you know the types of people or companies you should be laser focused on? An important part of your vision is defining your target market and getting everyone to convey the same message to all of your potential clients or customers.

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Our 10-Year Target Is Clear

Does your entire organization know where you are going long-term? Have you performed a SWOT analysis to understand your company’s unique strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges? When you think about achieving your business goal, what are your biggest challenges? What are the things that wake you up in the middle of the night when you are

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Our Core Business Is Clear

Do you do what you love to do and are best at doing? What is your core business? Are you operating within it? It has been called a million things in the history of business. A lot of people call it vision statement. Some people call it mission statement. Stephen Covey calls it Voice. Jim Collins

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Our Core Values Are Clear

Does your company clearly communicate your Core Values? And do you live and breathe those Core Values every day? Are your people consistently exhibiting your Core Values? Do they fit your culture like a glove? You must assess for all your people as to whether or not, black or white, they consistently exhibit your Core Values.

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We Have A Clear Vision

Owners and leaders can sometimes take for granted the importance of communicating their vision to the rest of the organization. Do you know WHERE you are going and HOW you plan to get there? When we are working with leadership teams, we make them better at three things we call Vision, Traction®, Healthy. Vision just

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