Customer And Employee Feedback

Do you know what your customers and employees think about your organization?

Are they your #1 brand advocate?

Do you have loyal customers and engaged employees?

You should know the answers to these questions and more. There should be a process in place for collecting and sharing this information to maintain a pulse on the health of your company. Your true company brand is the story others tell about you. Make sure they are telling the story you want others to hear!

Contact SteeleBC today for a FREE 90 Minute Meeting to learn more about the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). We will team you up with an EOS Implementer™ who will guide you through the EOS Process™ and help you strengthen the Six Key Components™ of your business.

During Focus Day™, we share the importance of strengthening the Process Component™ and getting all of the most important stuff in your business done the right and best way every time. It makes it easier to manage, more profitable and more fun. Maybe consider a customer satisfaction or customer service process for how you take care of your customers.

We will also teach you our Meeting Pulse™ and Level 10 Meeting™. These tools and disciplines strengthen the sixth key component of the EOS Model™, which is the Traction Component™.  You spend part of the meeting checking in on everything important to your business. This includes checking on your customers and employees to make sure they are happy.

If you’ve been following this series on Organizational Checkup™, here are some questions we posed:

In the article Everyone Is In Meetings, “Is everyone engaged during the meeting?” By having everyone in meetings, you provide a platform to engage in regular feedback.

In the article All Meetings Are Consistent, “Do you know how to prepare and what you should focus on to make it most effective?” By having a regular agenda, you ensure that you are the information you gather is current and your people are aware of what is important.

In the article Our Systems And Processes Are Defined, “Are they being measured and managed to do it the right way every single time?” By defining your systems and processes, you can revisit the steps to uncover your missed opportunities.

Capturing the voice of the customer (VOC) provides insight about both your external stakeholder (customers) and your internal stakeholder (employee). Critical components of your success!

At your next Organizational Checkup™, you will say…
Yes! We have a system for receiving regular customer and employee feedback and we know their level of satisfaction.

Click the link to take the complete Organizational Checkup™ and be sure to add as a viewer, so we can see the results of your assessment and discuss how we can help!

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