How effective are your meetings…your internal meetings with just your team or your employees?
Is everyone engaged during the meeting?
Does it have a specific agenda to provide direction or focus?
Meetings without a clear purpose or direction often disengage people and waste excessive time. Discussing topics aimlessly and diverting on multiple tangents often occurs when left to unstructured, spontaneous meetings. Your people may start thinking about what they need to do after the meeting and may feel resentful if they are required to attend a meeting taking up valuable time without a clear purpose.
Contact SteeleBC today for a FREE 90 Minute Meeting to learn more about the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). We will team you up with an EOS Implementer™ who will guide you through the EOS Process™ and help you strengthen the Six Key Components™ of your business.
In the article We Have A Clear Vision, we asked the question, “Do you know WHERE you are going and HOW you plan to get there?” And we shared how EOS® will help you all get on the same page with your Vision and rowing in the same direction. When we are strengthening the Traction Component™ of the EOS Model™, we bring that Vision down to the ground and execute on it with discipline and accountability.
As we mentioned in the article Everyone Has Rocks, the Vision for most entrepreneurs goes unrealized because of weakness in the Traction Component™. There are two tools we use to strengthen the Traction Component™. The first is Rocks. The second is a great Meeting Pulse™.
We’ve already discussed Rocks and a 90-Day World™ for your organization. Within that 90-Day World™, we also help you establish a weekly Meeting Pulse™ using a tool in a specific agenda called a Level 10 Meeting™ agenda. When done properly, it will elevate the quality of meetings to a level “10.”
The Level 10 Meeting™ agenda helps you transition into your meeting more efficiently. You spend the first part of the meeting checking in on everything important to your business. We also inject a little To-Do list into the agenda to drive weekly accountability. Then, we spend the vast majority of the meeting time solving your real Issues at the root.
That’s what makes for great meetings. That’s what helps you feel as though you are generating Traction®. That’s what makes the time you spend together every week valuable, efficient and productive. That’s the Level 10 Agenda. That’s the Meeting Pulse™.
At your next Organizational Checkup™, you will say…
Yes! Everyone is engaged in regular weekly meetings.