
Our 10-Year Target Is Clear

Does your entire organization know where you are going long-term?

Have you performed a SWOT analysis to understand your company’s unique strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges?

When you think about achieving your business goal, what are your biggest challenges? What are the things that wake you up in the middle of the night when you are worrying about your business?

Understanding and communicating those imperfections, problems, challenges and obstacles standing between where you are and where want to be is huge! It’s important to work as a team, be open and honest and vulnerable with yourself and your people. When you are more afraid of the status quo than you are of change that is the true catalyst for making your company great!

What are your three greatest strengths? What do you do well? How will you overcome those challenges? Are your people empowered to rise above? To forge a new path?

Part of casting the vision for your organization includes understanding where you excel and where you fall short, then making the necessary adjustments to move forward. It can be scary, but it is well worth it! Imagine the impact you can have on your company, the impact your company can have on your industry and the ultimate benefit you can provide your client or customer. What will it take for you embrace what could be…embrace change?

Contact SteeleBC today for a FREE 90 Minute Meeting to learn more about the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). We will team you up with an EOS Implementer™ who will guide you through the EOS Process™ and help you strengthen the Six Key Components™ of your business.

During Vision Building™, we will work to strengthen the Vision Component™ of the EOS Model™ for your organization. When we ask the question, “What is your 10-Year Target™?”, we are working on the third question of the 8 questions on your Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) , one of our EOS Foundational Tools™.

Your 10-Year Target™ is just the long-range, big goal for your business. The time frame is flexible, anything from 5 to 30 years out. It is a clearly articulated, simple number one business goal for your organization. It gets you all on the same page with where you are going long-term. We can help you define and communicate that goal. Then, it is essential that it be shared by all.

At your next Organizational Checkup™, you will say…
Yes! Our 10-year target is clear and has been communicated to everyone.

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