Do you do what you love to do and are best at doing?
What is your core business? Are you operating within it?
It has been called a million things in the history of business. A lot of people call it vision statement. Some people call it mission statement. Stephen Covey calls it Voice. Jim Collins called it Hedgehog Concept. I apologize for throwing another consulting term at you. We call it Core Focus™. It comes from your core.
Contact SteeleBC today for a FREE 90 Minute Meeting to learn more about the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®). We will team you up with an EOS Implementer™ who will guide you through the EOS Process™ and help you strengthen the Six Key Components™ of your business.
During Vision Building™, we will work to strengthen the Vision Component™ of the EOS Model™ for your organization. When we ask the question, “What is your Core Focus™?”, we are working on the second question of the 8 questions on your Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) , one of our EOS Foundational Tools™.
Core Focus™ is the sweet spot of your organization. Once it’s clearly defined and articulated, the trick is to stay laser focused within that Core Focus™, so that you’re always working within your sweet spot. You do that by integrating it into your processes and systems. We help you accomplish that.
At your next Organizational Checkup™, you will say…
Yes! Our core business is clear and our systems and processes reflect that.